OLD TMJ & SLEEP TECHNOLOGY VS THE LATEST METHODS Are you ready for more comfortable and efficient visits to your neuromuscular dentist? At TMJ and Sleep Disorders of MI, we earnestly seek out the latest and best technology for serving our patients. Our latest addition, the Itero scanner, is a true game changer.  With the Itero scanner,  our patients will no longer have to go through the lengthy and sometimes uncomfortable process of getting conventional impressions done to their teeth, gums and jaw. With the Itero scanner, our patients now bypass all the gagging, discomfort and goop used with the...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI Did you know that May is Better Sleep Month? Sponsored by the Better Sleep Council, the goal of Better Sleep Month is to raise awareness about the benefits of restful sleep—and the dangers that poor sleep can pose to your physical, emotional, and mental health. Even going a single night without receiving an adequate amount of sleep has physical consequences. Your blood pressure increases, as does your production of the stress hormone. Failing to get proper sleep repeatedly over a prolonged period of time can cause consequences...

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