OLD TMJ & SLEEP TECHNOLOGY VS THE LATEST METHODS Are you ready for more comfortable and efficient visits to your neuromuscular dentist? At TMJ and Sleep Disorders of MI, we earnestly seek out the latest and best technology for serving our patients. Our latest addition, the Itero scanner, is a true game changer.  With the Itero scanner,  our patients will no longer have to go through the lengthy and sometimes uncomfortable process of getting conventional impressions done to their teeth, gums and jaw. With the Itero scanner, our patients now bypass all the gagging, discomfort and goop used with the...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI We've all been there, and experienced a sleepless night or two, and know just how running on little sleep leads to irritability and causes us to be emotionally volatile. In these instances you may find that you struggle to keep your cool when dealing with your kids, or you are more likely to snap at your spouse or co-workers over something that is insignificant. It is inevitable that you probably feel bad about this behavior, but are too tired to make amends or do anything to change...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI Have you ever paid attention to the way your child breathes, especially while they are asleep? If your child is sleeping with their mouth hanging open, this can have a range of different negative consequences—including the development of a sleep breathing disorder such as obstructive sleep apnea. Yes, even young children can develop sleep apnea In fact, sleep apnea is more common among children than you might think. Often, the symptoms in children mimic those of a hyperactivity disorder such as ADD or ADHD. Mouth breathing also...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI TMJ disorder, it presents as jaw pain that can be consistent or at its worst upon waking up in the morning. It can cause headaches, tooth pain, and sometimes even snoring. Most over the counter medications only mask the pain from your TMJ disorder. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to contact the TMJ specialists in Grand Rapids at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan. Let’s take a look at the connection between sleep apnea and TMJ disorder, and how the Grand Rapids dentists at TMJ &...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI If you know anything about obstructive sleep apnea, you probably realize that the consequences of this sleep breathing disorder include chronic daytime fatigue, unexplained changes in mood, and poor performance at work or school. There is another ramification of this serious sleep breathing disorder: tumor growth. Your Grand Rapids sleep apnea specialists at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan are here to explore this relationship in greater detail. Hypoxia is a common consequence of sleep apnea When you suffer from sleep apnea, you experience a collapse of...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI If you deal with daytime fatigue, have difficulty remembering things, and snore, you might have obstructive sleep apnea. These are several of the most common symptoms of this sleep-breathing disorders. But, there could be a missing link in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea – a link that primary care physicians may overlook – bruxism. Bruxism is classified as clenching or grinding your teeth while sleeping. Many people who have bruxism are completely unaware that they exhibit this disorder unless your sleep partner tells you that they...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI Sleep is something we all crave more of, yet millions of Americans are somehow unable to get a full nights’ rest. Those restless nights have dire consequences on your health, and your sleep apnea doctors in Grand Rapids at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan want you to know why. According to scientific studies, there are three stages of sleep. Each stage has varying degrees of relaxation, which can last anywhere from 90-110 minutes. It is the third stage known as REM sleep that is most important...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI In a fast-paced society, it is no wonder many of us struggle to achieve enough sleep every night. However, for some people, their sleep deprivation may not be due to a busy schedule and late nights, but a more serious health problem known as obstructive sleep apnea. We all need adequate sleep each night to function every day and live healthier lives. Your sleep apnea dentists in Grand Rapids want you to know about the consequences of sleep deprivation, and what you can do about it. Health...
Serving Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI Warm weather is here, and that brings longer days, more sunshine, flowering plants… and allergies. Some people have allergies that are so severe that it affects their sleep pattern. In fact, the irritation and inflammation caused by airborne allergens often can mimic the disruptions in sleep that occur in patients with sleep apnea. How can you identify the difference between allergies and sleep apnea? Your Grand Rapids sleep apnea doctors at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan want to help, offering these tips on how to tell...

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