sleep apnea take toll on mental stateServing Patients in the areas of Grand Rapids, Holland, and Big Rapids MI

We’ve all been there, and experienced a sleepless night or two, and know just how running on little sleep leads to irritability and causes us to be emotionally volatile. In these instances you may find that you struggle to keep your cool when dealing with your kids, or you are more likely to snap at your spouse or co-workers over something that is insignificant. It is inevitable that you probably feel bad about this behavior, but are too tired to make amends or do anything to change the situation.

Living life sleep deprived can make irritable moods and even depression the norm. But, you don’t have to live this way. Sleep apnea doctors in the Grand Rapids area at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan want you to take a look at how sleep apnea can take a toll on your mental and emotional state and what you can do about it.

First, what is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea occurs when you sleep, and it is caused by an obstruction in the airway. It means that your body isn’t breathing enough air, which can be detrimental to your health. At some point, your body actually stops breathing, which signals the brain to wake you up. This interferes with the deepest stage of the sleep cycle known as REM sleep. You may not even notice these episodes of waking up, or if you do, you may chalk it up to tossing and turning to reposition your body or even to get up and go to the bathroom.

What does lack of sleep do to the brain?

Sleep is necessary – it resets the brain. It allows the brain to regulate the body. Getting too few hours of sleep each night causes the control and memory center for the body to become damaged. It also affects the amygdala, which is a primitive part of your brain responsible for negative, explosive behaviors. The hippocampus portion of the brain, which is responsible for new memories, begins slowing down, affecting your short-term memory. Dopamine receptors that control your wake/sleep cycles may become damaged, which would explain why you feel sleepy all of the time. Also, neurotransmitter levels get all out of whack, which could explain feelings of depression. Lack of oxygen in general causes memory problems, clouds your thinking and causes you to lose focus easily.

How can I treat my sleep apnea?

You probably associate sleep apnea with those bulky CPAP machines. Well, that isn’t your only option. In fact, Grand Rapids sleep apnea doctors at TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan can prescribe a custom-made oral appliance that fits comfortably your mouth. These oral appliances are silent, and will not disturb your partner’s sleep, unlike a CPAP machine.

How to stop snoring in Holland, Grand Rapids

If you would like to learn more about how to stop snoring, and treat your sleep apnea, contact TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan by calling (616) 458-0631 to schedule a consultation.

TMJ & Sleep Disorders of Michigan is here to serve patients in the area of Big Rapids, Grand Rapids, and Holland, MI.

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